HIPEC Program Support

Starting and maintaining your HIPEC program

Getting Devices and Disposables

United States:

ThermaSolutions understands that not all hospitals are ready to invest in capital equipment when starting a new HIPEC program. With this in mind, ThermaSolutions has a program to make devices readily available to surgeon and hospital.

A loaned ThermoChem™ device can be provided for each case as needed (shipped and installed by ThermaSolutions). Permanent devices may be placed for hospitals as case loads increase.

Contact your ThermaSolutions Representative for for questions about device placement or email: cases@thermasolutions.com

Disposable kits are ordered and stocked by hospital (overnight shipping is available when necessary)

Send purchase orders to: orders@thermasolutions.com


Depending upon the country, orders can be placed through a local distributor or direct from ThermaSolutions.

To initiate a device placement, a disposables order or to be connected with your local distributor, email emea@thermasolutions.com

Support for Starting or Maintaining a HIPEC program

Keys to Building a Successful Hyperthermic Intraperitoneal Chemotherapy (HIPEC) Program

ThermaSolutions can assist in starting a HIPEC program or to enhance your current treatment practice, The ThermaSolutions and distribution network team can supply the best solutions for your institution. Please contact us to discuss any of the options below.  Depending upon your local region, ThermaSolutions can assist in:

.Institutional Support 

– Support from Hospital Administration
– Knowledge of billing and coding issues

Support from a Multidisciplinary Team Approach

  • Surgical Oncology
  • Oncology
  • Anesthesia
  • Nursing
  • Critical Care (ICU)
  • Operating Room Staff
  • Pharmacy

Commitment of OR and Anesthesia Staff

Dedicated Staff to insure consistency from case to case

  • Nurse Circulator
  • Scrub Nurse

– Perfusion Team knowledgeable in use of equipment
–  Equipment is easy to use and easy to document
– Anesthesia

Patient Selection Criteria

– Involvement from Medical Oncologists / Primary Care Physician

– Cooperation from surgical colleagues (performing previous surgeries)

  • Gynecological oncologists
  • Colo-rectal surgeons
  • General Surgeons

Contact your ThermaSolutions Representative regarding device support or information about HIPEC programs:

U.S. Support:  cases@thermasolutions.com

International Support: emea@thermasolutions.com

Cancers Treated

  • Pseudomyxoma Peritonei – A build-up of mucus in the peritoneal cavity
  • Ovarian Carcinoma – Cancer that forms in the tissue of the ovary
  •  Mucinous Adenocarcinoma of Appendix – A type of cancer that begins in cells that line the appendix and produces mucin
  • Gastric Carcinoma – Cancer that forms in tissues lining the stomach
  • Colorectal Carcinoma – Cancer that forms in the colon
  •  Mesothelioma – A benign (noncancerous) or malignant (cancerous) tumor affecting the lining of the chest or abdomen
  • Low-Grade Sarcoma – Sarcoma is a cancer of the bone, cartilage, fat, muscle, blood vessels, or other connective or supportive tissue

Marketing Assistance

ThermaSolutions understands the need for surgeons to be able to market their practices and HIPEC Programs whether new or established. We are committed to assisting surgeons with these efforts by:

  • Functioning as a referral base among physicians
  • Partnering with physician practices and media providing HIPEC information to community
  • Supporting cancer care organizations alongside our customers

U.S. Support:  info@thermasolutions.com

International Support: emea@thermasolutions.com

Environmental Information

One of the common concerns when beginning a HIPEC program concerns the use of biohazards in the Operating Room Suite. Protocols and standards are typically in place already in your OR, per specific hospital guidelines.

Many hospitals deal with biohazards in the Operating Room. For example: Bladder cancers and certain eye conditions (wet AMDs) are treated with fluids and pharmaceuticals in the OR. Most hospitals have already established an environmental policy to process the biohazards from these procedures.

In the United States, the Association of PeriOperative Nurses (AORN) website has many articles and guidelines for environmental concerns in the OR, including a specific RN hotline to deal with questions.(https://www.aorn.org/)

The Pharmacy Department in the Hospital will know the disposal and containment methods for many of the waste streams created during perfusion application